The Georgian Style Jewellery Period
There were many different styles of fine jewellery during the Georgian period but some of the most popular were short necklaces, particularly a style which included chokers or dog collars, as they have also been called, as well as Riviere necklaces. These necklaces would have had a row of gemstones or diamonds and several cameos attached with rows of draped chains.
Popular Gemstones and Cuts in the Georgian Style
As with many time periods, just as the one we are living in today, diamonds were the fashion gemstone of choice, especially during the Georgian jewellery period. There were also some coloured gemstones that were sought after such as beautiful green emeralds, bright sapphires, and rubies. These came into fashion during the later years of the Georgian period.
There was a lot of different jewellery pieces like diamond rings and diamond earrings that were popular during this time period as well. The two popular cuts you would have found during this time period would have been the table cut and rose cut as jewellers were experimenting a lot during these periods attempting to create jewellery that would appeal to the luxurious lifestyles that some were seeking at this time.
Characteristic of Georgian Jewellery
It would be easy to determine if the jewellery you are seeking to purchase today would have been created during the Georgian jewellery period as the mount of the stones would have had enclosed backs and would have been set over a foil. All Georgian style jewellery from these time periods would have been created by hand.
Becoming common in this period you would have seen copied or reproduced gold and gemstone jewellery pieces called pinchbeck, created to keep up with the growing demands for fashionable designer jewellery during these time periods.
Memorial Jewellery
Finding jewellery from the Georgian time period may not be an easy task as these jewellery pieces are very rare due to several factors: during the 19th century, German citizens gave their gold jewellery to assist in the war efforts and was given cast iron replicas in place of their gold jewellery. If you were able, however, to find a cast iron replica which was called Fer-de-Berlin you would have a very rare and collectible piece of fashion jewellery from this time period.
It was also common during this time period for people to have small portraits of the ones they loved and family members on brooches and pendants. Memorial jewellery was popular during this time as well with funeral scenes painted on jewellery and ivory with created with strands of a loved one’s hair.